
You were not created to just get by with an average, unrewarding, or unfulfilling life. God created you to leave your mark on this generation.

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Encouraging Joel Osteen Quote

You Will Never Be The Same

God Bless You

Dear the scripture says in Psalm 31:19, “You have great blessings
stored up for those that honor You.
” There is healing with your name
on it, a business with your name on it.
There’s a baby with your name on them,
a spouse with your name of them.
Here’s the beauty:
you didn’t have to pay
for it. God sent His Son
to pay the price so we can live
an abundant, faith-filled life.
Why don’t you start believing
for what already has your name on it?

🍩What you are dwelling on, that is what you are attracting. Have a positive mindset.😍


Dear “You must make a decision that you
are going to move on. It wont happen
automatically. You will have to rise up
and say, ‘I don’t care how hard
this is, I don’t care how
disappointed I am, I’m not going
to let this get the best
of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

You may have struggled with an addiction
for a long time, but that addiction has
its day. Your healing, your freedom, your vindication,
your abundance has its day.
God has already
set the time to turn it around. He’s set
the time to bring the right person,
set the time to thrust you
to a new level. On your day,
every force that’s holding you back
is going to be broken.


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